In addition to LEDs and tungsten light, the RC4 dimmers can also easily control servos (from model making), e.g. animated props, via DMX.
This type of servo is often used in animated puppets to control blinking eyes, wiggling ears and mouth movements. Large servo motors move the head elements of Scar in Disney’s ‘The Lion King’.
Configuration is also simple. Either use Enhanced One Touch to configure the dimmer output as a ‘servo’ at the touch of a button or use RDM with the DMXCat.
By Enhanced One Touch Method
Connect a DMX tester or lighting console to the transmitter, link the dimmer to the transmitter.
Decimal value (not %!) :: Dimmer curve
26 :: Servo CW Pulse 8 bit
27 :: Servo CCW Pulse 8 bit
28 :: Servo CW Pulse 16 bit
29 :: Servo CCW Pulse 16 bit
The first selected DMX channel above zero sets the function of this DMX channel, which is assigned in the table together with the corresponding DMX level (decimal value, NOT %) > press the corresponding channel button ‘Set A’ ….
By RDM wirelessly with DMXCat
The DMXCat is recommended for the configuration of RC4 dimmers.
In conjunction with the LumenDimIO-100, for example, RC4 dimmers can be configured wirelessly via RDM.