Our supplier RC4 Wireless has upgraded the product range of their most trusted wireless dimmers.
And, we are pleased for most RC4 products the prices have been reduced by up to 110 EUR.
New 6-channel DC dimmers
Now available for RC4Magic 2.4 GHz, Lumenradio CRMX and Wireless Solution W-DMX protocols.
Perfect for direct control of RGBA/WW/CW LED tape or any other 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 channel LED tape on the market.
As with all RC4 dimmers, the PWM frequency can range from 615 Hz to 40 kHz, each channel can use an individual DMX address and dimmer curve.
NEW RC4 Magic DMX6dim & DMX6dim 42 Amps
NEW LumenDimM6 & LumenDim6 42 Amps
NEW W-DimM6 & W-Dim 6 42 Amps
Permanently reduced pricing for these RC4 products
Many thanks to the president of RC4 Jim Smith for making this possible!
Put LED stripes in each costume, props or any set piece remote controlled with the most trusted wireless dimmers of RC4.